Our Members

Our members range from young to young at heart, come from all walks of life, and have a wide variety of interests.  The one thing they all have in common is a passion for the theater.  Some of our members love the limelight, and others prefer other roles offstage.

While anyone can be a part of our productions or committees, membership has perks.  Our members enjoy many benefits, including advance notice of events, auditions, and learning opportunities.  Members also receive a discount on live performance tickets and merchandise, and have voting privileges at our Annual Meeting.




become a member

NTCI Membership Dues are paid with volunteer time.  Those putting in volunteer hours for the Company during a calendar year are granted membership for the following year.  For those who are new to Company activities during the year, we offer a monetary dues alternative for that first year. 


Click here for a membership application.

our current members

2021 Members of NTCI are:

Our founding members

Founded in 2010, NTCI started with a passionate, dedicated core of members:

Get Started